Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yiangoudakis joins Cyprus BXL FC for week-long training sessions

Yiannakis Yiangoudakis, captain of the Cyprus national team and Apollon Limasson FC for almost two decades, arrives tonight in Brussels to give a one week tactical training masterclass to Cyprus BXL FC.

Yiangoudakis, having coached several national squads at youth level and teams competing in the Cyprus championship, will train the team for five days during this week, focussing on game tactics. He will also be on the sidelines for the Cyprus BXL FC's first game of the season against Denmark on Thursday September 22. 


  1. Megale Yianaki Yiangoudaki
    eshkwsen to prwto prwtathlima tou theou apollwna

  2. Will we all have to grow moustaches after this week's training?

  3. Yes, I think it would be a fantastic homage to a fantastic moustache/player.
